Transitional Support

  • Adult Residential / Transitional Support

    This program provides community based supported housing for persons who meet DMHAS target population eligibility requirements. Funded by DMHAS and DMR for specific clients, priority is given to those discharged from state inpatient and residential facilities and those persons with behavioral health disorders who are homeless.

    The Residential Program is committed to the goals of the Fair Housing Act as well as the principles of Recovery.

  • Services Offered:

    • Assistance in choosing and maintaining safe, stable and affordable housing; leases may be held in their own names
    • Staff support available as needed, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week
    • Linkage to other agency services and other community and medical resources
    • Collaborative relationships with a variety of community providers, including Home Health Care providers, CMHC, area partial hospitalization and inpatient facilities, landlords, local housing authorities, police departments and emergency rooms
    • Collaboration with family members as appropriate
    • Liaison to the Beth El Transitional Living Center in Milford, to help the homeless population access services
    • Assistance with Entitlements, budgeting, developing a credit history
    • Assistance with transportation
    • Advocacy/Empowerment
    • Instruction and development of daily living skills
    • Support in choosing and utilizing opportunities for recreational, cultural, and spiritual experiences
    • Assistance with food purchasing and preparation
    • Establishing and maintaining adequate utilities
    • Facilitate clients in reaching individual educational goals