Community Support Services

  • Community Support Services are designed to assist individuals as they establish themselves as independent and productive members of the community. The program includes

    • Case Management: Partners with clients to assess their needs, obtain services, support and treatment. The focus is recovery based and provides an array of services delivered by community based mobile multidisciplinary teams of professionals and peer specialists.
    • Social Rehabilitation/Open Door Social Club: Provides social, recreational and psycho-educational services to individuals in recovery. The goal is to improve the quality of life by supporting the development of life skills, improving interpersonal skills and culturally competent recreational activities that promote recovery.
    • Residential: Assistance in finding and maintaining appropriate sites for independent living within the community.
    • Employment: Providing vocational assessment, job placement and job support.
    • Recreational: Opportunities to shop, attend performances and visit nearby recreational areas with the assistance of trained professional counselors and social workers.