
  • Bridges is the state designated Local Mental Health Authority for Milford, Orange and West Haven, Connecticut. We provide specialized, recovery-focused services to support individuals with severe and prolonged mental illness and addiction problems.

  • Bridges is on the forefront of a new way to provide services that address both the mental and physical health of individuals by offering those we serve a health home, where they can receive behavioral health, substance abuse and primary care services in a single, centralized location. While we are in the early stages of implementing this new healthcare model, our goal is to reach full integration of services to meet the “whole person” needs of those we serve.

    Bridges offers a range of services to both adults and children as well as programs for families working together toward recovery.
    Click on the links to the left for service descriptions.

  • Call 203.878.6365 for all services.

  • Bridges provides a “Health Home” to thousands of area residents.