The Caring Network meetings are held the first and third Wednesday of the month,
6 to 8 p.m. at Live Oaks School, 575 Merwin Avenue, Milford.
For more information call Cathy Fisher. LCSW at Bridges, 203.878.6365, etc. 445.
For children of all ages, the death of an immediate family member is confusing and frightening. It turns their world upside down, shakes their sense of trust and may exaggerate normal fears and anxieties.
The Caring Network for Adults, Children & Families is an ongoing support program for people who have suffered a loss through death.
The Caring Network includes a structured program for children who have lost a parent or sibling. The program also involves the surviving parent or caregiver by having them gather together to learn about children and grief, and issues of parenting a bereaved family.
The group is facilitated by professional counselors who understand that children need to be able to talk about the death and what it means to them, in a safe and supportive atmosphere and at the child’s level of comprehension and understanding.