Public Policy

  • Advocacy and Public Policy

  • Legislative Talking Points

  • Thank you to all of you who have been working with your local legislators to communicate the importance of adequately funding the community provider system. CCPA staff and members have been meeting with key legislators to discuss the “core services” provided by our members. We may be asking you to join us in meetings with legislators that serve your districts. Please feel free to use these talking points in your conversations with your delegation.

    Modernizing the Safety Net

    About Community Providers
    Connecticut Community Providers Association (CCPA) advocates on behalf of
    organizations that serve Connecticut’s most vulnerable residents with health and
    human services across the state. Community providers do so in the most cost effective and efficient manner that not only benefits our consumers but also benefits the state. We are the safety net.
    Community providers provide high quality, vital safety net services but the infrastructure for the delivery system has become outdated and cumbersome.
    Together with our partners in the state, this infrastructure must be modernized and
    revitalized to meet the challenges of current demands while maintaining efficiency and high standards of care.
    Without investment in the following improvements to the safety net infrastructure, Connecticut runs the risk of destabilizing a network that has proven, year after year, that it can provide excellent service for its consumers and save the state precious dollars as well.
    Specific Examples Include:
     Modernization of the contracting system and reduce regulatory burden
     Strategic planning for emergency preparedness
     Support the implementation of electronic medical records to prepare for healthcare
    reform mandates
     Workforce training and job force readiness
     Addressing financial obligations regulations for community providers

    The Safety Net provides services for thousands of Connecticut residents, each and every day. These services allow individuals to live in their communities, help them find and keep employment, and
    provide the support systems they need to keep them out of institutions, hospitals and the penal system.
    The Safety Net has proven time and time again that there is a cost effective and efficient way to assist
    people with mental and physical disabilities in leading meaningful and productive lives.
    But the Safety Net is frayed. Piecing the Net together, as costs rise and reimbursement rates stay flat,
    has meant that many programs can barely survive – and infrastructure needs have often been deferred
    in the interest of maintaining programs and retaining employees. With new technology, as well as new
    technological demands, it is time to invest in the modernization of the Safety Net to ensure that it can
    continue to cost-effectively meet the needs of Connecticut residents. Healthcare reform offers many
    opportunities to invest in the Safety Net. From electronic medical records, to workforce training to
    planning for emergency preparedness, the time to modernize the Safety Net is now.